Hidden rental costs often await you
Are you planning to move to Zurich soon and are considering the best way to live? Rent costs are also a factor here. Weigh them up well.
The basic rent may look quite reasonable, but that’s not the whole story. In addition to the basic rent, there are the costs for heating and garbage collection. Then as extras: water, electricity and Internet or telephone. So the price per square meter can double, and you are right to ask yourself if this is really cheap. Moreover, the prices for water and electricity are not constant either. There can be price increases on you, which should be included in the calculations. So before you look around on the so-called free market, you should make a calculation and consider whether an all-inclusive rent is not more favorable for you.
No nasty surprises are to be expected at AAS Apartmens
In addition to the unpredictable free rent, which can often even come with an annual increase (“graduated rent”), the rental costs you can expect when renting an apartment through AAS are absolutely transparent and therefore without any nasty surprises for you. Take a look at the different sizes, the prices are exactly as you find them there. This means that even if the winter you spend in your centrally located apartment becomes very hard, you do not have to expect an additional payment for heating costs. The risk is borne by AAS Apartments and you can clearly calculate your budget. As with the heating costs, it is the same with all other additional costs. They do not vary, but are clearly and unambiguously available to you when you sign the contract. In a way this is convenient and you do not have to save on energy, but of course you are welcome to do so.
Carefree living – a bit like in childhood
When you choose to live with AAS Apartments, it’s a bit like being a carefree child once again, not having to constantly worry about the amount of rent or electricity prices. Just be a guest, do your things, go about your business – and enjoy what amenities are available: Gym, a beautiful roof terrace, etc.